If you want to order anything e-mail me at Webmaster@FigureFans.com

WCW Toybiz Figures Mint On Card (MOC)

Smash N Slam

Kevin Nash - $4.00

Slam N Crunch

Konnan - $4.00


Kanyon - $10.00


Chris Jericho - $8.00


Randy Savage - $4.00

Raven - $4.00

Power N Glory 2-Pack

Macho Man Randy Savage and Elizabeth - $15.00

Loose Toybiz Figures

Diamond Dallas Page, Randy Savage,
Konnan, and Sting - $2.00 each

Goldberg, Kevin Nash - $2.00 each
Referee, Rey Jr. - $1.00 each

Other WCW Figures
Galoob  )  (  Toymakers  )

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